Thursday, March 11, 2010

Weekly Weigh In

Okay, so it is not the result I was hoping for but I did lose 1.4lbs. Of course, when I got on the scales this morning I was 163, now I am 166! But losing is better than gaining! I am eating the right amount of food, not gorging myself, not craving sweets too much and my clothes do not feel as tight on me as they did a week ago. I have more energy, I actually want to exercise and for me, that is huge! I walked a mile today and I am going to try and do this every day, perhaps twice a day if I can fit it in. I just need those damn Sketcher Shape Ups now! It would be lovely if $100 just dropped into my lap!


  1. Keep it up! You are doing GREAT!!!!

  2. Thanks, I FEEL like I have lost more and I LOOK better, so that is the main thing. I do want to see the results in the weight loss though, so let's hope for next week!

  3. Good job! Whenever I feel like I haven't accomplished ENOUGH (why do we do that to ourselves?) I try to remember that the time is going to go by whether I work toward my goals or not, and even if changes only occur in small increments, next year will look a whole lot different. You can do this. :)
