Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Good, But Not That Good

This is what $37 worth of fruit looks like - if you shop at Whole Foods!
I am a mad mad woman!


  1. OH.MY.GAWD! We have a grocery store here - that is sort of international, and the produce is organic and very inexpensive. There's no way I could pay that much! I could probably get the same stuff you did for $20! You should explore and find a good produce market, farmers market, or local food co-op that is cheaper girlfriend!

    I'm working with someone to re-vamp my blog layout again (keeping same colors, header, etc) but as soon as I get that done, I'll update my bookmarks! Love the new site! When's the button coming?

  2. Are those blackberries? I could really go for some blackberries right now, yum!

  3. RG, I should have gone to Trader Joe's, it would have been half the price but the same quality. Never again, I promise!

    Rebecca, yes! They are blackberries and so good. Although I have to say that the strawberries taste the best, they are the sweetest I have ever had.

  4. I know exactly how you feel! I went to the grocery store the other day after class (the cheap one even) and racked up $200 by the time I was done! Buying lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is expensive! To be fair, I spent quite a but on restocking the 2 bathrooms in our house, so that stuff was $35 right there, but still! Let's hope spending the money on healthy stuff now will save us money in the long run because we'll be healthier!
