Monday, March 8, 2010


Same Shit, Different Day.

Not anymore! All of my life I have struggled with my weight. My heaviest - 190lbs on the day I gave birth to my son. My lightest - 105lbs 11 years ago after a year of working for a very demanding boss. My weight today - 167lbs.

That is only 23lbs less than when I gave birth - almost SIX years ago! I am tired of feeling tired, tired of feeling slobbish, tired of not having any energy and most of all, I am uncomfortable. I have dieted before. I did South Beach a few years ago and lost 20lbs. It was great! I felt so good and swore to lose more. But I get cocky when I lose weight and I think that I can sneak in a dessert or three and it won't matter, but of course it does.

So I woke up last week and decided that I needed to do something about it. I need to be healthy and lose this weight and maintain it, so I joined Weight Watchers. The registration fee was waived and it is $12 a meeting - however if you don't go you don't pay. I weighed in at 167lbs, which was 3lbs less than I was expecting. My goal weight is 140lbs and anything beyond that is a bonus.

I know that it won't happen overnight and I know that I may lose more weight in the first couple of weeks and then it will slow down. But I am determined not to give up.

This is just going to be an online diary for me - if someone reads it, great, if they don't, then I am making myself accountable. If you have joined Weight Watchers or are thinking about it, let me know and we can be accountable to each other. It's all about supporting each other and not berating each other when we slip. Because we will slip. We are only human and therefore I am only 99% perfect!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sally! I had some time, so I'm tryng to play catch up here. It looks like I'm about a week behind you w/WW. I'm not sure how our support system will work here (I'm not blogging right now) but I will certainly do what I can to offer my support. :) Good for you for taking this first step and thanks for including me in your journey!
