Friday, March 12, 2010

Not too shabby

So I've been on the points system for 3 days now. I was thinking this morning that the hardest part for me so far was just simply getting started. I've been wanting to lose weight for months....but it never seemed a good time to start. Maybe after this event or that event. But, now that I finally started...its not so bad.
I seemed to be really hungry the first day. I think because I was constantly thinking about food. I'm a stress eater though....and its been a stressful week at work.
But I'm finding already that I don't go home so sluggish. I'm sure that is partly due to the fact that I'm not eating fried, fatty foods - and partly due to the fact that I started taking Vitamin D. My doctor had told me I needed to start taking it back in August...and I finally got around to it. Yes, I really am a procrastinator!

A couple of things I've learned so far:
  1. Healthy Choice meals have the Weight Watchers points on the back of their box. Very convenient!
  2. Here is a really cool website that gives lots of recipes (includes the points) and the points for foods at tons of different restaurants:  Dotti's Weight Loss Zone.
I'm looking forward to spending some extra time this weekend shopping for food for next week. Maybe I really can become a planner!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I left a comment and it would not go through! So here goes again!
    I am really pleased that you don't feel as sluggish, that is how I am most days (except today when I am horribly tired because of lack of sleep!). I think the meals are great, the points are great because you know how much you can have each day and that it is.
    Yay you, you are doing great!!!
